





Everyone agrees these entities have to be restructured, divested or closed down.Pakistan will pure sine wave 300w with charger be unable to fully exploit the vast Thar coalfield for power generation because there is insufficient water to cool the plants, the carbon emissions will be unacceptably high and the electricity produced is not much cheaper than alternatives because the cost of mining (with outdated equipment) is very high ($40 vs $8 in Virginia, US). In the afterglow of the Washington visit, some among Pakistan’s business and official elite seem susceptible to the Western propaganda against CPEC and China.Over 300 government entities cumulatively lose two per cent of Pakistan’s GDP each year.
The equipment supplied for the power plants was mostly Chinese but many of the turbines and boilers were sold by America’s General Electric. And the Mumbai unit of the BJP lost no time in capitalising on the analogy by plastering the city with outsized Modi posters repeating what he had told the Reuters news agency, "I am a Hindu nationalist". Few members of minority communities will buy the RSS’ definition of all Indians being Hindus. India is a diverse country in ethnicity and religion, and despite suggestions from some of the BJP’s own leaders that the national debate should not be reduced to secularism against communalism, the country’s electoral arithmetic is such that pandering to the majority will not lead to victory.
The tragedy is that much as Muslims as other minorities might wish to vote out the Congress for its sins of omission and commission, the BJP playing the Hindutva card would leave them with little choice but to veer back to the party of Indian Independence. And here lies the dilemma for the party and its mentor, the RSS. Mr Modi’s campaign would, therefore, represent a sea change in spelling out the basis of a self-proclaimed Hindu nationalist’s concept of what India should be.Indeed, the BJP has chosen a risky strategy of all or nothing. In the process, the RSS has made the ultimate sacrifice of suborning the organisation to an individual who has given ample evidence of both his electoral success in Gujarat and his scorn for his parent organisation by doing exactly what he wants in governing his state. The writer can be contacted at snihalsingh@gmail.Thus, the rebuilding of the Ram temple at Ayodhya will remain in the picture, but more as a backdrop than in the forefront.



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